Sr. Staff Engineer

  • Híbrido
  • Betim, MG, BR
      Betim, MG, BR
  • De segunda à sexta, das 8h às 18h com 2h de almoço
  • Profesional

    Indefinido en plantilla

Descripción y responsabilidades

Build your brand. Tell your story. Take advantage of a rare opportunity to create something new and original.

At Stellantis, we’re breaking with the past and have launched a new software organization built from the ground up. The Stellantis Software organization (SWX) was established in 2021 and brings an entirely new vision to the driving experience. Our mission is to design the most captivating experiences in Mobility, bringing “tomorrow’s” tech innovations closer to today, everyday. If you’re ready to help lead this automotive technology transformation, we want to hear from you.

Stellantis was founded in 2021 as the result of a merger between Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and PSA Groupe. For more information, visit:



Implementation and maintenance of Kubernetes environments on AWS.

Development of REST and SOAP APIs for systems integration.

MNO integration, including SIM lifecycle management and B2B and B2C services.

Service monitoring, alerting and reporting.

Operational support, including troubleshooting and intelligent diagnostics.

Development of voice, SMS and data services in compliance with local regulations.


Experience with Kubernetes in AWS environments.

Proficiency in Python and Java.

Experience developing REST and SOAP APIs.

Knowledge of IBM API Connect.

Fluency in advanced English.


Knowledge of radio technologies (2G/GSM, 3G/UMTS, 4G/LTE, 5G).

Familiarity with technologies other than cellular, such as WiFi and satellite client management.

Concepts of remote SIM provisioning via SMSR/SMDP.


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Informações adicionais

Área de atuação


Acerca de la empresa

Stellantis é uma das principais fabricantes mundiais de automóveis e fornecedora de mobilidade, presente em todos os continentes, com fábricas em 30 países e operação em 150 mercados comerciais.

Somos o encontro de pessoas e 14 marcas icônicas, incluindo Abarth, Citroën, Fiat, Jeep, Peugeot, Ram e outras.

Impulsionados pela nossa diversidade, lideramos a forma como o mundo se move, desenvolvendo novas soluções para a mobilidade do futuro em uma jornada de inovação diversa e colaborativa.

Acolhemos candidaturas de pessoas de todas as identidades de gênero, idade, etnia, nacionalidade, religião, orientação sexual e deficiência. Equipes diversas nos permitirão responder melhor às necessidades emergentes dos nossos clientes e cuidar do nosso futuro.

Código: 74673

Fecha de registro: 2024-04-18

Fecha de actualización: 2024-05-16

  • Código: 74673
  • Fecha de registro: 2024-04-18
  • Fecha de actualización: 2024-05-16
